Breast Cancer Screening and Early Detection

It is widely known that early detection is integral in receiving an early diagnosis. “More than 90 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer at the earliest stage survive for at least five years, compared to nearly 15 percent for those diagnosed with the most advanced stage of the disease,” according to the American Cancer Society.

Learn more about how breast cancer may be diagnosed:

  • Self-exams – women should be familiar with how their breasts normally feel and report changes to their physician immediately.
  • Mammograms – if you are over 40 years of age, an annual mammogram is recommended by the American Cancer Society.
  • Ultrasonography – usually used if a suspicious lesion is detected during a physical examination or mammogram.

As always, if you ever have any questions regarding the changes in your body, consult your physician.

To learn more, visit:

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society


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